You'll learn all about Crystals and beginning a journey with Crystals, including:
What crystals are
How crystals affect your health and harmony
Types of crystals
How to choose crystals
How to use crystals and incorporate them into your life
Good Feng Shui for your home with crystals
PLUS join a 30 day crystal challenge!
Seating is VERY limited!
We'll be posting soon with registration information and pricing!
Spotlight on Malachite:
The Prosperity Crystal
If you're wondering where to buy Malachite on Long Island . . . wonder no further! Little Shoppe of Crystals has a large selection of this wondrous, popular crystal.
What's up with Malachite, you ask?
Malachite has some powerful properties. A lot of people liken it to Moldavite, but Malachite is much more abundant than the rare, limited quantity Moldavite. Malachite offers strong protection, absorbing and guarding against negative energy. It also welcomes strong healing vibes and encourages us to break from harmful patterns.
Malachite is a heart chakra stone and perfect for those looking to welcome in strong feminine energy, love, healing, and creativity into their lives!
Come check out our large selection of Malachite today!
The March Full Moon is known as the Worm Moon and its name derives from the worms that begin appearing in the soil as Spring arrives. The moon will be 100% full on Sunday March 28th, so this is the best time to recharge your crystals and reinvigorate them with fresh energy!
A super easy way to recharge your crystals is to lay them outside, preferably on the earth or something natural, like wood, in order to ground them. Leaving them out overnight, if you can, is great. But even just a few hours in the moonlight on a windowsill is wonderful!
As a special thanks, our newsletter subscribers received an exclusive sneak peek at what's new in store at Little Shoppe of Crystals! These items are shared with our subscribers before we post them online!
First up, we have some amazing fossils in stock! On the left below is a shark tooth and on the right is a mosasaurus tooth. Both are from the Cretaceous Period, 145.5 to 65.5 million years ago! Fossils are wonderful healing tools and can help influence positive well-being.
Below on the left is an aquatic fossil, known as a Green River fossil. It too is from the Cretaceous Period. Aquatic fossils are thought to hold the wisdom of the water in which they were found.
And our final sneak peek is of this beautiful Pink Opal sphere! Pink Opal will help release stress and anxiety. It has a deep connection with the heart chakra and is known as a love stone. This is the one for the heartbroken who are looking to heal!
We hope to see you soon!
Mon - Thu: 11am - 6 pm
Fri: 11am - 8 pm
Sat: 11 am - 6 pm
Sun: 12 pm - 4 pm